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Kirkwood Car Wash


Phone number (404) 663-8080

How to Best Wash Your Own Car...

1. Tire Clean - Do your wheels and tires first, that way chemical is more concentrated and will loosen up the brake dust and grime.
2. Pre-Soak, low pressure, probably the most important, direct the wand from side-to-side and spray the car from the bottom to the top. I recommend going around the car twice, it increases the dwell time and ensures a better application.
3. High Pressure Soap, the intent is to blow off the dirt and grime that the Tire Clean and Pre-Soak have been loosening up.
4. Hogs Hair Foam Brush, the softest and best kind of brush you can put on your car. Start at the bottom and work your way up by doing small circular motion. Hit your wheels and tires last, to not transfer any remaining brake dust back to your car.
5. High Pressure Rinse top down.
6. Low Pressure Wax, bottom up, also recommend 2 good coats of wax.
7. High Pressure Rinse off the Wax.

Congratulations! You have just learned to "Honor Thy Auto" @ Kirkwood Car Wash.

Established in 1997.
As a consumer of Self Service Car Washes all my life, and looking for my next gig, I came across this closed down, and abandoned Car Wash facility.

Owning and operating a business that is open 24/7/365 in an in-town neighborhood can be challenging... Our goal is to provide a clean, efficient, well stocked facility for the consumers that prefers to "Honor Thy Auto" for themselves...

We hope you will come visit us today and give us a try... We appreciate your Business!

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City Atlanta Category Car Wash & Repair Location 2003 Oakview Rd SE Atlanta, GA 30317
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